Sundays 9:30-10:45
8 WEEKS! Commit To Get Fit! with Jane
9:30 - 10:45 - Start your year strong with 8 weeks of Yoga Fusion: strength, flexibility & mindfulness. $160
Meets Jan 5, 12, 19, Feb 9, 16, 23, March 9, 16
Sign up with Jane or text 210-240-6141
Sundays 11:00-12:15
Kaiut Yoga for Healthy Joints with Debby
January through March
No class Jan 19, 26, Feb 2, 9
Sign up with Debby 210-383-3212
Meditation with Loden Nyima
Meets the following Sundays
2:00 - 4:00 by donation
March 9, April 6, April 20
May 25, June 1, June 29.
Sign up with Loden
Sundays 3:00-4:00 7 Weeks $140
Gentle Stretch & Relax with Pamela
Meets 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30
Sign up with Pamela 210-317-8680
Special Weekend Workshops with
Charles MacInerney
Saturday & Sunday January 25 & 26
Saturday 1/25, 2-5 pm $70
The Science of Breath
Join Charles in this workshop to explore the fascinating science of breath and unlock its potential to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Gain valuable insights into your current breathing patterns and discover techniques to improve them, leading to a holistic transformation.
Sunday 1/26 1/26, 9:30-12:30 $70
Fascia: The interconnected Web of Our Body
Join Charles in exploring the remarkable world of fascia and discover how it affects your overall well-being. Learn how to keep your fascia happy and healthy through the integration of this newfound understanding into your yoga practice. By doing so, you can enhance your body’s resilience, flexibility, and vitality, allowing you to age with grace and maintain a vibrant physical state.
Sunday 1/26, 2-5 pm $70
Integrating Pranayama into Asana
Often, we sacrifice breath when deepening into a pose, leading to poor breathing habits. This workshop will teach you how to engage all 8 areas of your lungs in different combinations, supporting your breath in each pose and transition. Once you experience the difference, you’ll never want to g back!
For more info on these workshops and to register: